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Vacuum Love


Falling in love with a vacuum took me by surprise. Kitchen appliances and other motorized items have never excited me much. Cars, included. But a few months ago, on a dusty Saturday morning, determined to get rid of the allergens that build up in corners, under sofas, and in places best left unexplored, I hauled out our heavy upright. Just trying to lug that loud, unattractive, inefficient, and poorly designed monster reminded me immediately why I took it out only when it was apparent that I was losing my personal battle with dust. And that is when I had my vacuum epiphany. There had to be a better vacuum.

A few short hours later after some serious research, I became the proud owner of a Dyson DC 24. I shudder remembering my vacuuming life before its arrival.  Quiet and powerful, the bagless clear canister fills so quickly that the existence of dust has finally been unequivocally proven to the unbelievers in my family. Superbly designed, each and every piece of the Dyson clicks into place and stays there until it is called into service. Small, lightweight, and compact, I sometimes refer to it affectionately as my Prius. Attractive in a playful industrial gray, orange, and red palette, I can almost hear a round of applause from the Bauhaus masters.  A job well done.

Vacuum love.




Bauhaus Washcloths

I designed these washcloths to go with my essay An Artful Way to Knit .

Everything on a Waffle


Lately, I have had a fierce craving for waffles. On Saturday mornings, I often meet a friend for coffee and we share a waffle. Sometimes a half is just enough. Other times, I leave thinking about waffles for dinner. A few weeks ago, I came home thinking about Polly Horvath's book, Everything on a Waffle.

Do judge Everything on a Waffle by this terrific cover which does tell you a lot about the main character Primose Squarp and her amazing story. You'll have read the book to find out what happens to Primose. Here's a quote to wet your appetite.

"Well, Uncle Jack always had a solution for eveything and this one would have been just about perfect if it hadn't gone so wrong and landed me in a foster home."

Each chapter of this delicious book ends with a recipe--the last one  is for waffles.

More about Everything on a Waffle

Everything on a Waffle  Book Trailer

 Everything on a Waffle at the author's website

Everything on a Waffle at Amazon


A Waffle Stitch Washcloth Knitting Pattern at HomespunLiving

Thermal a waffle stitch sweater at Knitty

Waffle Stitch Blanket at Fiona's Friends

Waffle Stitch Preemie Hat at Zibeline Knits