illustrated by Charles Santoso
Random House Books for Young Readers (January 28, 2014 )
Baby sisters can be so annoying! That's what Max thinks. Max needs his daddy's help—right now!—to bake a surprise Passover birthday cake for his mommy. But as baby Trudy fusses instead of napping, and Daddy tries to settle her down, their time to bake is slipping away. With her warm and pithy storytelling, Michelle Edwards captures the moment in a child's life when he realizes that he has the power to do things on his own.
Here's what reviewers are writing about MAX:
“Warmly tinted, wood-textured illustrations fit this gentle, informative book.” Booklist
“Very cute!” The Hiding Spot
“It is also a pleasure to see a picture book about a child who solves a problem himself with creativity … Clever and creative, this is a welcome addition to public library’s Passover collections as well as a great choice for birthday story times." Waking Brain Cells