the curse of the boyfriend sweater

Women's Empowerment and Knitting

On March 8th, how will you be celebrating International Women's History Day?

Along with many knitters world wide, I'll be thinking about the women who influenced me and my knitting. Like my friend Isabel Nirenberg, who came to the rescue when the curse of the boyfriend sweater hit my needles. She dedicated a long afternoon to my wooly woes. And during that time, we drank tea and talked about more than just the sweater.

That boyfriend left my life a long long time ago. But Isabel and I are still friends, and I still have the graph paper she used to help me understand and pinpoint a sweater solution.

This year's Women's History Day theme is  "Women's Education ­ Women's Empowerment".  

How does knitting empower you? Do you have a knitting mentor? Share you story (in the comments section below) and you may be chosen to win a free e-copy of A Knitter's Home Companion.