Fiber Gathering

A few years ago when I was signing books in Blowing Green, Kentucky, I had the good fortune of meeting Joanne Seiff and her husband, Jeff, the absent minded professor. I knew her patterns from Knits Magazine and she knew my Lion Brand essays. In the children's book section of a book festival, we chattered away about knitting. We have become long distance fiber buddies, exchanging stories, ideas, advice, and even recipes.

I have been waiting a long time for her book, Fiber Gathering. My library copy was picked up on Monday. Tuesday night was a quiet night here on Hickory Trail, so I brewed a cup of tea and settled down to spend some time with my friend.

What a great read! Joanne took me, and will take you, too, on warm-hearted, joyous romp around to the country's fiber festivals. Sampling foods, touching yarns, meeting spinners, shearers, knitters,and more, Joanne doesn't miss anything in what she brings us. And who would have ever guessed, that focused, Jeff, the absent-minded professor, the book's photographer, would capture the spirit and soul of animals, humans, and the gatherings that happen when all are brought together to celebrate fiber.

Fiber Gathering is a book you will want to read. Trust me me on that. And soon a second Joanne Seiff book, Knit Green, will be available. Now that's good news!

Visit Joanne at her blog, yarn spinner

Follow her on Fiber Gathering's Blog tour

March 31st Joanne Seiff, author Yarn Spinner
April 1st Kim Guzman, designer WIPs N’Chains
April 2nd Rosemary Hill, designer Rosemary-go-round
April 3rd Donna Druchunas, tech editor Donna Druchunas’ Blog
April 4th Cathy Adair-Clark, designer Catena Expressions
April 5th Terri Shea, designer
April 6th Chrissy Gardiner,designer Knittin’ Mom
April 7th Jeff Marcus, photographer Yarn Spinner (guest post)
April 8th JoLene Treace,designer JoLene Treace Unraveled
April 9th Cindy Moore, designer fitterknitter

Michelle Edwards

I write and illustrate stories for children and adults. My stories are about family, friendship, knitting, and community. They chronicle the large and small victories and defeats of everyday life.